No name. No format, slogan, or logo.

Just playing music. Nothing more. Continually updating playlist is on the right. Not usually crowd pleasing stuff.

You can anonymously comment by clicking on the tiny “leave a comment” link directly below. I’m only curious if anyone was receiving. The “Captcha” asks you to name the country the food is from, usually Italy. Don’t retype the word listed, type the country. Stifado is from Greece. I think Meat Pie is too. You might have to Google the item to get the origin. “Bumba” came up and I couldn’t find the correct answer. There are an ocean of spammers out there, hence this floodgate.

Happy 2017!


New Interference

WCCM signed on a translator at 98.9 from Salem, NH, so there’s new right wing talk interference from the north.